Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Sweet 3rd graders!

You remember the 3rd grader who told me not to try and say I was cool?

Today she said, "Can I borrow a picture of you for the summer?"

Totally redeemed herself ;)

P.S. - The kid from Thursday's post during testing? He took FIVE HOURS. :)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Right now.

Just in case you ever wondered what I was doing on June 4, 2009 at 11:12 a.m., here's the answer.

I'm bored.

Beyond bored.

So bored that I french braided my hair. (When was the last time I french braided my hair because I was bored? 8th grade?)

It's the 13th school day that I've spent helping with testing, and I am 2 1/2 hours in to what is on pace to be a 3 1/2 hour testing session. I just have to sit here - completely silently, without even any music - while this child finishes his test. The other 3 kids in my group finished about an hour and 45 minutes ago.

This poor child - I do feel for him. This is a lot of stress to put on a small child. But I might start nibbling on m fingers soon just for fun. I am working on progress reports for my kids, but a girl can only stare at the computer for so long. This is why I became a teacher and not some kind of office job!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

3rd graders keeping it real

This morning I'm in the hallway, standing guard like I do, and this conversation happens:

Third grader: "Can I stand here with you?" (Kids always ask me this. They're just trying to get out of class)
Me: "Why? Because you think Ms. Nash is so cool?" (I said cool in a really awesome, cool way)
Third grader: Looks at me with a look of disbelief "Um, don't say that again."
Passing fourth grader: "Ms. Nash, If you're going to act like that, you really need to keep a low profile"

Guess I'm not as cool as I thought I was....

Monday, June 1, 2009

I can't believe it....

I had a stunning revelation tonight.

I like to exercise.

I do. I've missed running last week. I went to Body Pump and Zumba tonight. (I've posted about Zumba twice before - once pre-op and once post-op. I'm sure I've posted about Body Pump, too. But tonight it's about the Zumba) Zumba was so much fun! And I realized how much better I am at it now. I mean, I was jumping and bouncing while dancing. I distinctly remember doing it before and barely being able to make it through - seeing other people jumping and wondering why they weren't dead. Now I know. They're just not enormously fat like I was :)

It made me happy.