Sunday, December 14, 2008

Pet Peeves

Here are two pet peeves of mine that were realized today -

  1. Why do grocery store baggers think that you don't need your cat food in a bag? I am totally with them on things that have handles - cat litter, milk, soda cans, whatever. But bags of cat food? How exactly am I supposed to carry that with my other bags? I feel this way about toilet paper, too. But the toilet paper is too big to fit in the bag so, while frustrating for me, I can understand. I ALWAYS rip the plastic around my toilet paper trying to get it into the house.
  2. This year, I've decided that I'm enjoying classic Christmas hymns. Why do people always feel like they need to "mix it up"? There are some ridiculous versions out there. (Ok, sometimes I like them. But mostly - no.) Today in church, they decided to sing the first verse of "O Come All Ye Faithful" painfully slow and pause between each line. We had no way of knowing about these mysterious pauses, so we kept singing into the silence, which was awkward. People were giggling. Then, all of a sudden, they burst out the second verse into a ho-down! I'm not kidding - fiddles and all. I felt like I should be square dancing. To "O Come All Ye Faithful".
These do not compare to my biggest pet peeve - children calling adults by their title and first name, like "Ms. Sarah" - but bothered me today nonetheless :)


Unknown said...

do you listen to country music at all? Alan Jackson's Christmas cd is very traditional. His voice is twangy, but the actual song arrangements are "normal".

Hallie Holland said...

Okay, so you'll have to give me insight on the children naming thing....
I assume you like Miss Nash, instead? I try to get my boys to use Miss, Mrs., or Mr. Whoever, but I can't tell you the number of times that adults tell my kids to call them by their first name!

So, there are some adults that they call, Ms. Judy (or whatever) ....but that is because Ms. Judy says so!!!

(I think it might be a southern thing too because the Ms. First Name is very common around here.)

Laura: One Day At A Time said...

HAHAHAHHA! i can totally picture your irritation about the hoe-down christmas carol at church, and i understand! i can't stand those "remakes" of perfectly excellent songs. speaking of christmas songs, i read some of your favorite blog, stuff christians like, and i laughed out loud. so i added it to my favorites. the newest post about the christmas shoes song was hilarious.