Ok, I am totally and completely addicted to Facebook. Love the stalker aspect of it, love seeing pictures, love everything about it. (Except the 15,000 random requests I get every day. I don't even look at those) So this trend started where everyone had to write 25 random things about themselves. There have been other trends, but this is the only one that got the Sarah Nash "Cool Seal of Approval" (an award more highly coveted than the Good Housekeeping Seal) I had so much fun reading other peoples notes! So I thought I would share my post:
Um, I forgot to cut and paste the rules here. Seriously, is there anyone out there who doesn't know the rules by now? I was going to say I'm pulling a Katie Masinick and not tagging anybody. Then Katie caved and tagged people. So I'm just going to say that I'm not tagging people because everyone's already been tagged and I like to be defiant like that. I DO want to read your list, though......so write one already!
1. My two favorite things are UNC basketball and my niece and nephew, Abby and Brian. (ok this one’s not random. Everyone already knows this)
2. I almost always have half a glass of Cherry Coke Zero chillin’ in my refrigerator, getting flat so I can drink it later.
3. I have Jawad Williams’ leftover chicken wings in my freezer.
4. I’m somewhat of a control freak. That’s why I like teaching. Also why my favorite basketball position is point guard.
5. I get unreasonably angry over things which I have absolutely no control, such as college basketball and the weather.
6. At the beginning of the season, I write every UNC basketball game on my calendar including opponent, location, time, and tv channel.
7. I am a co-founder and co-president of Not Sarah’s Game Club, going strong for 5 years now!
8. I talk to my mom and my sister almost every day. I see my family at least once a month, and I cry every time I leave them.
9. My friends call me “Speed” because in high school I got two speeding tickets in the same spot doing the same speed within a few months of each other. Some call me “Sidim” and we will not discuss the reasons why.
10. I wish I could take a nap and a hot bath every single afternoon.
11. I have been on two cruises – one to the Caribbean and one to Alaska. I researched them to death, did everything I wanted to do, and loved every minute. Do I want to do another one? Ah. Take it or leave it.
12. I hate, loathe, and despise email forwards. Especially when the sender, who is supposed to a fully grown woman (JULIE SMITH IN COLLEGE) adds things like “I know this is silly, but I don’t want bad luck....”
13. I have a sleeping routine. I have to lay (or is it lie?) (It’s lie – Clark says “Chickens lay, people lie”) on my back, my side, my stomach, my other side, and back to my stomach. Then I have to sleep with one arm straight up under the pillow and the other hand under my cheek. One leg has to be bent up while the other is straight. Some people find this tossing and turning when I first go to bed to be disruptive. I find it to be normal and calming.
14. I have a blog instead of a journal because it looks prettier.
15. I’m running my first 10k at the end of March. That’s 6.2 miles. 10 months and 125 pounds ago, I couldn’t even run 6.2 feet.
16. My sister is my best friend and my hero. I want to be just like her when I grow up. She’s smart, funny, pretty, organized, and basically does it all with a smile like it’s no big deal. I need her to help me remember family member’s names and I don’t like to buy clothes unless she approves them first.
17. At one point I wanted to move to Maine, but then I realized I was too much of a Momma’s girl to move that far away from home. For the same reason, I think I’m the only person not to put “I love to travel” on my 25 things list. In fact, I think I’ll go ahead and put “I don’t like to travel” just to be shocking.
18. I’m the pickiest eater you’ll ever meet. I don’t eat any fruit or seafood. I like a few vegetables – broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, potatoes – but mostly with cheese on them. When people find out I don’t like fruit, they start listing them. “Really? Not even apples? Or grapes?” or they try and trick me “What about tomatoes?” Yes, people. I KNOW what fruits are. I just don’t like them.
19. I think that people seriously underestimate the importance of kids repeatedly reading and re-reading on their independent level.
20. I refuse to use abbreviations in text messages.
21. I still have 3 living grandparents. My grandaddy died 3 years ago and I miss him every day.
22. The only thing I really want out of a life is to be a wife and mother. I think I’ll always feel like a failure without that, but I’m working on it (the feeling like a failure, not the becoming a wife and mother).
23. I love The Office, but I think Psych is the funniest show on television. My dream guy has a lot of Jim Halpert and Shawn Spencer in him. I also loved that old show Sports Night that got canceled way too soon.
24. I spend a lot of time thinking about the first person I want to see or the first question I want to ask when I get to heaven. I think it may be “What kind of a student was Jesus? How old was he when he learned to read?”
25. I don’t believe in NASA. I believe it exists, I just don’t believe it should. Why spend billions of dollars on something that may possibly be out in space when we have tons of people here without food, homes, doctors, or books??
26. In high school, I had a “pillar of coldness” that kept me cold all the time. As I got super fat, it melted and I had little problem staying warm. Now that I’ve lost some weight I’ve rediscovered cold in ways I never knew existed. How is it possible to be THIS cold all the time??!!??!!
My list has 26 things on it because I love breaking rules!