Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Bragging on my mom

My mom is a great teacher. Really. For a while she worked at a special school for kids with severe behavioral and emotional problems, and now she works at what passes for an "inner city" school in Lynchburg and she loves it. She's great with the kids. She spends more time and money on that classroom than you can imagine. Probably the only things she spends more money on than her classroom is Abby. And that's a toss-up.

So, here's the story - she has a regular volunteer in her class. Apparently this girl's brother is Leland Melvin. While that might not be a household name, in Lynchburg that's pretty exciting because this guy is from Lynchburg and he went up into space to visit the international space station to do something or other. So one of the kids in my mom's class was drawing a picture of an astronaut (on the 11x17 paper that my mom buys herself to run stuff off for her class because she likes it better), and Mr. Melvin's sister was volunteering and saw it. Somehow it worked out that they had the picture framed, and he got to present it to the astronaut at this ceremony that was being held for him. It was a big ceremony with city and state leaders - this picture wasn't the WHOLE ceremony, just a part of it, but my mom took the day off to go do it with him. She was so proud of this kid and kept talking about what a great thing it was for this kid. That's just the way she is. She's great.

So I'm posted the video of the news story . If you stop it at about 47 seconds and see the woman standing clapping in the pink sweater, that's my mom. At 1:27 there's a close-up of the picture the kid drew, and at 1:37 you can see the kid presenting it to him with my mom's principal in the background.

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