Sunday, April 20, 2008

LSD Day 6

Well, I am sticking to the Liver Shrinking Diet but can't say that I'm enjoying it. It is INCREDIBLY hard to not eat all that good food out there...especially when you have to sit and watch others eat. It was a rough week, but this weekend was especially hard because I wasn't as busy. I was also with my family and traveling, which made it even more difficult to stick to. But I did.

The pre-op diet was what I was dreading the most about the whole thing and now to have to do it twice is really taking a toll on me. I'm cranky and cry easily. My poor kids this out!

I'm considering letting myself order DVR if I can lose 3o pounds before surgery (which is a realistic goal, with 4 of those 10 weeks being on the LSD!) It's only something like $12 a month, but I'm really not sure that I can afford even that. Maybe I can look through my statements and find a recurring payment that I'm making that I'm unaware of that I can cancel...that sort of thing happens to me all the time :) But I would LOVE to be able to watch the shows I want, when I want. Most shows I like come on after I want to be in bed, so I stay up too late watching them. So we'll see. 8 more days to go....

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