Sunday, April 6, 2008

A long, long night...

I do not think that the tarheels performance last night is even worthy of me writing about. Except to say this: If you played like that all the time, I'm pretty sure that my junior high girl's basketball team could have beaten you. Pitiful. And now, no more basketball until October. I hate this part...

So I TRIED to go to bed right after the game - around 11:00 - but couldn't really sleep and ended up not falling asleep until around 12:00, but still waking up several times. Not a good thing. I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm posting this at 5:30 a.m. What am I doing up, awake, and posting you may ask? Glad you asked. Let me tell you.

Around 5, I was awakened by a loud crash and the sound of water running. I don't know if I have ever mentioned before that I have 2 cats that are basically the devil in disguise. They are completely wild and crazy. So I figure that they have somehow turned the shower on and freaked out. I get up to discover that it's not the shower, they have somehow sprung a leak in the hose leading from the toilet to the wall. There is water spewing all over my bathroom floor, making a deeper puddle every minute.

First I try the always-handy duct tape, which only succeeds in making the water spray in a different direction. Then I go to get a bowl to catch the water and the phone, thinking that as much as I feel bad about it, I'm going to have to call the apartment complex's emergency number and get someone over here before my whole place floods (this is an advantage to living in an apartment!) Finally I realize - DUH! - that right in front of me this whole time was a knob to turn the water OFF. So I turn it and the water stops spewing.

So the immediate problem is solved and I'm left with a flooded bathroom and no toilet (which I really need to use - this is my only one!) I mopped up the bathroom and went down to the office (I have a 24/7 code because the hot tub and "gym" are in there) to use the bathroom. I figure I'll call the maintenance guys in the morning (yes, in the morning. I'm going back to bed!), but now I feel like my bathroom has to be clean before I call them. So I guess I'll do that first.

*sigh* Can I please move back in with mom and dad?

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