Monday, October 13, 2008

A Busy Weekend

I had a great weekend this weekend, keeping pretty busy. Friday night I went to a high school football game with some girls with my church, which was really fun. It was a perfect night for a football game! I spent Saturday in Harrisonburg at my friend Beth's wedding, which was gorgeous and perfect. Then we went to the Book Fair on the way home, and I got lots of awesome books! (I will skip over the part of Sat. where we went out to dinner - that was not something that needs to be relived) Sunday I went to church, then met up at the Purdy's (one of the pastors at West End - the one who leads the Young Adult class) for a post-retreat lunch/debrief/get-together. I crashed on the sofa for a while, then went out to my small group. I actually learned a lot and will post some of that at some point. Oh, and then upon leaving - I drove my car into the ditch at the end of the driveway and had to call a 12-year old tow truck driver to come get me out. Oh, well. No harm, no foul right? In truth, there's a lot to say about the whole weekend but it could get pretty long and tedious ;)

A big part of me feels like I'm just moving to Richmond - in a new job, finally getting actually involved in church, etc. I'm meeting a lot of new people and I'm really excited about that.

I've been doing much better these past 2 weeks with my food choices and I hope when I go back to see Pam (my nutritionist) tomorrow that she'll be pleased. I know the weight has been coming off faster, although the last few days it's slowed down again some. I'm working on being ok with that :)

My big complaint at the moment is that I'm SOOOO tired. All the time. I just can't seem to shake it. I feel asleep at my desk on Wednesday and I feel like I crash every chance I get. I don't know if I'm a little sick, if I'm not getting enough sleep, or if I'm missing some vitamin or something that I need. I don't want to jump to conclusions or be paranoid about it, but I'm tempted to call Dr. Elliot and ask him to go ahead and do my bloodwork just to check. He said he would do it at 6 months, which would be January. Maybe this week I'll just focus on getting to bed early and see if that helps.

Let me mention, also, how irritated I am that the temps are supposed to get up into the 80s this week. Fall was supposed to be here,people!

Ok, I need to get off to school. Toodles!

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