Thursday, October 30, 2008

FInding clothes that fit.


Here are some clothing fit issues I'm having - I knew y'all wanted to hear about them:

** You know how there are some people that look like a caricature of a person. Like from the chest up and the thighs down they are of normal size but then they have an enormous stomach and butt? No? You don't know those people? Come visit me, my friend, and you will... I can tell that I've lost some weight in my boobs and face. Mostly the boobs. (I don't know about my legs, b/c I don't have a full length mirror. Because I'm super together and organized), but my stomach and butt are still enormous. It's NOT a good look.

** I don't know what size underwear to buy. In the past, this has been my underwear-buying philosophy: Go to Wal Mart. Find the multi-pack bags of underwear. Find the cheapest one. Buy the biggest size they have. Now I can still wear my underwear, but it's getting kind of baggy and I don't have any idea how to figure out what size to buy next.

** I put one some Goodwill jeans today (I have like 4 pairs of those) and they fit me perfectly - except for the left calf. I'm serious. Everywhere is perfect, but the left calf is tight. Only the left one.

** I would like to say hello to..... my neck! I just saw it in the mirror. Who knew I had one under all those chins?

Gratuitous pictures of my faves:

"Hmmmm...Bullet told me these things tasted like strawberries....wonder what kind of strawberries HE'S been eating?"

"Aunt Sarah thought if she took my Binky away she could get a cuter picture of me in my manly outfit. I'll show her!"


Unknown said...

Throw being short in there and it is a total disaster. You probably have the same prob I have....even petite or short sizes are still too long!

Joy said...

Yes, finding clothes that fit and dealing with a strangely proportioned body are par for the course in weight loss. I've read and experienced the mystery of our body's ability to relocate our fat to more appropriate places over time. So your proportions will not always be so dramatic. Hang in there--be patient. I know it's not fun now...and Stephanie, I totally agree with the whole petite thing!

Anonymous said...

LOL at the Goodwill jeans. You are TOO much. LOL