Monday, November 10, 2008

Family Reunion!

We had a Clark (my mom's dad's family) reunion this past weekend down at Sunset Beach. We had a great time at the reunion, although it did make me miss my Grandaddy something fierce. He died 3 years ago, less than a year after our last reunion. His brother and sister look so much like him! Here are a few snapshots to give you an idea of how it went:

Unfortunately, on the ride back home, this is how it went:

Yes, that was my mom's car. But she and my grandmother (who was riding with her) are ok. God was very, very good to us that day.

I have been very blessed with a wonderful family who I love more than I can say. I know that not everyone is as fortunate as I am. You know what else I love though? Sleep. I desperately need some and I'm going there now.


Anonymous said...

Geez! Your mom's car is really totalled. How scary. I'm so glad she and Clark are OK.

Anonymous said...

Speedy - holy moly! Thank God your mom and grandmother are okay, what happened?!

Glad you had such a good weekend! xo

Laura: One Day At A Time said...

wow....i'm glad they're okay! that's weird b/c i just talked to my mom who told me that cara's mom and dad were in an accident this weekend and their car was totalled (they are also ok, thankfully!) bad weekend for driving. but your family reunion looks like fun, i'm glad you had a good time.