Friday, November 28, 2008

The obligatory Thanksgiving post

As a blogger, I think there is a law somewhere that says I have to post a list of things I am thankful for at Thanksgiving. If I don't, I get thrown in blogger jail where baby rats nibble at my fingers and toes all day long. Since right now I am very thankful to be holding the cutest, sweetest, happiest 10 week old in history (who is fascinated by the words appearing on the screen), it seems a good time. So, here we are in no particular order except the order that I think of them:
Things Sarah Is Thankful For:
  1. Abby and Brian (come on, you knew that one was coming)
  2. The rest of my family :)
  3. My friends
  4. Ramses, my awesome Ford Escape
  5. Flat Cherry Coke Zero
  6. My WLS
  7. Jeans
  8. Naps
  9. My job - sometimes
  10. This sweet baby in my lap (I know I already mentioned him - it's Brian - but he's really really sweet.)
  11. Digital cameras
  12. Facebook for stalking people
  13. The internet in general for being a terrific time waster
  14. La'Nasia for saying something that makes me laugh every day
  15. UNC basketball
  16. USA network for making awesome shows like Monk, Psych, and Burn Notice
  17. Game Club
  18. My church, West End Pres, and the Young Adults group there
  19. Dishwashers and washing machines
  20. Abby (because it's not fair for Brian to get two mentions and her to only get one)
  21. Treadmills with individual TVs at the gym
  22. Power windows
  23. Having 4 distinct seasons
  24. Starter logs for my fireplace
  25. Christ

Ok, people. That's as sappy as I get. I've had a crazy week but luckily it was a short holiday week! I'm spending Thanksgiving in Lynchburg with all of my crazy family. Have a great time so far :)

I think I hear Abby waking up. Better go get her!

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