Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Fancy new gadgetry...

So today I had two "boot camp firsts". This morning I met with the "Life Coach" - like a counselor. I really liked her. She was very sweet and non-judgemental, very much unlike the pyschologist that I met with for my first evaluation. I do not know that I will ever actually enjoy going and talking to a counselor about myself...but I think I'll be ok with going to see this one. One weird thing, though - she didn't have a normal psychologist-type office. It was smaller than a doctor's exam room, with a little counter across the back and just enough room for a table and two chairs for us to sit in. I haven't decided if this is a good thing or not yet!

While I was there, I saw Brian (and let him know that I hold him responsible for how sore my legs are today - he said, "You know what? They're going to hurt tomorrow too." Thanks, guy!) and got my fancy heart rate monitor watch. It had my exercise schedule programmed into it, so tonight I went walking on the path around my apartment complex. This was my "short" workout - I was supposed to do 25 minutes in my moderate heart rate zone. This little watch doohicky kept track of my heart rate, time spent in the proper zone, calories burned, everything. If I went above or below my heart rate it beeped at me. Constantly. Not just one little "you're not in the right spot" beep. A beep beep beep beep beep beep beep until you fix it beep. I may turn that little feature off.

Of course, you don't grow up in Brian Nash's house and think that good enough is good enough. So I decided to try and do just 5 minutes of my workout in my high heart rate zone. Would you know - it records that I did it, but doesn't count the time towards my 25 minute goal! So my total exercise time was about 45 minutes, which was good. I like having this fancy little thing!

I'm off to Wal-Mart to buy fitness equipment - one of the big balls and stretchy cords for strength training, and some decent tennis shoes!

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