Friday, March 28, 2008

*picture mad face here*

Two things in the last two days have made me mad enough to cry -

As I was leaving Charleston to head back to Richmond (saying good-bye to that sweet baby was, in itself, enough to make me cry) I realized that while I was in in Lynchburg someone BROKE INTO MY CAR AND STOLE MY IPOD. My very expensive iPod that my very generous sister just got me for Christmas. My iPod that I love and use every day. Someone broke into one of my parents' cars around Christmas and took my dad's wallet, so it looks like 2408 has turned into a regular hot bed of crime. I have secret suspects, but none that I'm willing to say out loud. Dad called the police the last time, just to let them know. He's going to call them again and maybe they can keep an eye out or something. I don't really expect anything to be done. I'm so incredibly angry about it and there's not a thing I can do. SO FRUSTRATING!

Today I was excited to finally get to wear my heart rate monitor and watch while I went swimming (I did walk with it several times in Lynchburg and Charleston over the break). Guess what? IT DIDN'T WORK. It works in water just fine - it worked while I was in the shower. But something about the chemicals in that nasty pool made it not worked. I read over the manual carefully when I got home and sure enough hidden deep in there somewhere was the statement that some chemicals in pools may interfere with transmission. I could literally pull myself up on the side of the pool so the thing was out of the water and it would start working, then lower myself back in and it would stop. I had it time my workout anyway, but it's just not the same. Swimming is the only exercise that I actually enjoy. I occasionally enjoy going for a walk - but only because I enjoy having the time to listen to my music on my iPod.

I'm still reading the documentation on the NutriPoints system that they want me to follow for my eating plan, and it's completely impossible for me. They also keep sending me emails wanting me to come to some other nutrition class that , even in their promotional materials, sounds like nothing but a long sales pitch for this Juice Plus pill they have. So I'm tired and angry and frustrated right now. At least my Heels won last night - 3 more games and we're national champions :)

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