Thursday, March 13, 2008

VSRA, Day 1

So I headed off the VSRA conference this morning (that's Virginia State Reading Association, for those of you who....well, you know who you are) completely confident that I was going to OWN this conference. Sure, I had had a little misunderstanding about the registration forms and discovered last night that I couldn't go to any of them morning sessions. no big. I slept in, watched some Regis and Kelly, and headed off for the afteroon. I have a MASTERS degree in Reading. I went to UVA to get it. I have taught in Henrico AND Albemarle. I know more than anyone else ever has on the subject. Here's how I envisioned it: I would get there, quickly see several people I know (mainly important reading people who are presenting about important things), pick one of them to tag along with, skim over the program - recognizing all the presenters while being knowledgeable on their topics - and pick someone fabulous to go listen to. I would get some great ideas that I could then go pass on to anyone who would listen. Here's what really happened:

I got lost. Multiple tolls and a phone call to Katie who is on Google maps later, I finally get there halfway through the first session. The next 40 minutes are a lot of aimless wandering - some of it lost, some of it just trying to look like I had somewhere to go. Did not see people I knew. Finally made it to a session, and it was a dud. All about what kind of training teachers need - not something I was particularly interested in. After fighting to stay awake, I wait in a looong line to buy a soda only to discover my wallet is in my car. The session that I wanted to go to next was cancelled, and the other two that were remotely interesting were backed beyond all reason. There was a general session at 3:30, but I'd had enough. I went home.

Hopefully tomorrow will go better. Although UNC plays at noon, so I'm still debating which one would be better to blow off...the conference or the game.

God does teach us about humility in funny ways, doesn't he?

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