Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Life goes on

I think I'm going to kill my internet connection. I don't know if that's possible, but I'm going to hunt it down and try. It's going soooo sllllooooooowwwww lately that I keep giving up on getting the blogger page to load and posting. Tonight I waited it out. And this super-exciting new post is YOUR reward!

So I've just been plugging along. Doing well with the eating and exercising some days, not as well the others. Still working on it.

I had a GREAT time in Charleston with my whole family over the long Memorial Day weekend! They're all fun, of course, but Abby is just cuter and sweeter and funner and greater every time I see her. She's saying lots of words now (like "Say-Say") and repeating everything. She has a definite mind of her own. She likes to drink from a straw, but her mom makes her leave the cup on the table. She does NOT want anyone to help hold the cup or arrange the straw. You should see her try to get it all arranged and then lean down to take a sip while the straw is where she wants it. She's such a little girl now, and not a baby at all.

I gave my first Henrico Assessment Test (HAT) today. I am apalled that Henrico Co. expects us to give these things (and with several other things about them), and have been completely stressed about it. But I think my kids did well, so that's good. I'm not even going to go into the details of the ridiculousness of it all because it will probably bore you. But, trust me, it's completely awful.

So here's what I've decided. Each day, in addition to the normal getting-through-the-day life activities, I'm going to try and accomplish 4 things:
  1. Something with God (prayer, devotion time, an act of service or caring that clearly doesn't come from me, etc.)
  2. Something for my health (exercising, trying a new recipe, meeting with one of my many support people, etc.)
  3. Something for school (make progress on an ongoing project, clean off something, etc)
  4. Something for my house (clean a room, pay a bill, organize something, etc)
Obviously that's a lot of et. ceteras. We'll see what comes up each day. I'm not going to try and accomplish big things each day. Just small things in each area of my life where I need to make progress. And I'll see if that helps me get hold of it and bring my life under control a little bit. (I'm such a control freak - why do you think I became a teacher? Who's in charge in that room all day? ME)

Stay tuned for the results.... (but don't hold your breath. It may be a while. And I don't want to be responsible for any deaths and/or brain damage)

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