I had a good day today. I'm really liking this new job. Of course, I haven't started in with my regular schedule yet. It will be a few more weeks b/c the Title 1 people keep insisting on not telling me what's going on. But I think I'm really going to like it. I'm loving not having a classroom, but getting to work with the kids. And I love the people I work with. I joined them for happy hour after work today, despite not being able to drink. (They do this on the first Friday of the month)
Then I did something new and exciting for me - when I hit the gym, I ran on the treadmill. Ok, it was more like a jog. You know that speed where you can't quite walk that fast but you can't quite run that slow? That's where I was. And I only did it in 1-minute bursts (jog a minute, walk a minute for 5 minutes - then spend 5 minutes walking on an incline and repeat. But even my walking was faster than I usually do) The best part was I didn't even think I was going to die! Rock on.
This is how I picture myself on the treadmill:

This is what I really look like:
Oh, well. Dare to dream, right?
Then I hit the BFF's for some game playing, which I always enjoy. And I had my first Coke in like 6 months!!!! It made me so completely happy. Now, before you flip out and reprimand me :), let me tell you that yes, it was a Diet Coke so it was calorie free and yes, I let it sit in the refrigerator until it went flat before I drank it. This is completely allowed by my doctor. I can show you in my book. And I really think it will be a while before I want one again but man - that urge for a Coke was killing me!
This is what I really look like:

So Hanna may or may not be heading this way, but apparently everyone around here thinks we need to take some serious precautions. Mind you, it's only supposed to be a tropical storm when it hits the coast of Va, and around here there is a flash flood warning but that's about it. We'll probably get some heavy rain out of it, but you know. I'm not evacuating or anything. So I got home today around 6 to find a notice of all the things I needed to do to get my apartment hurricane-ready. Despite the fact that the hurricane, such as it is, is not supposed to get here until tomorrow afternoon, it was requested that we be ready by 5 p.m. Clearly missed that one. Here are some of their spectacular "it might rain!" suggestions:
- Listen to the advice of local officials.
- Turn off the air conditioner. Power surges from lightning can overload the compressor, resulting in having no air conditioning. (But if I turn it off, won't I have no ac anyway?)
- Store protective coverings (e.g., mattresses, sleeping bags) in or next to your shelter space, ready to use on a few seconds' notice.
- Fill bathtubs, sinks, and plastic bottles with clean water.
- After the storm is over, watch your step to avoid broken glass, nails, and other sharp objects.
- Directions for preparing a disaster supply kid, including a 3-day supply of water, one change of clothing and footwear per person, and written instructions on how to turn off the gas, water, and electricity.
"Severe injuries will require medical attention."
Does this apply only after a storm? Or when the weather is nice as well?
Does this apply only after a storm? Or when the weather is nice as well?
So I may end up with egg all over my face for mocking this if we truly get a big storm, but I just don't think it's going to happen. First of all, it doesn't look like it's going to be that bad. It's not even like I live on the coast! Second of all, do you see how prepared everyone is? And freaked out? Bad weather never happens when people have been preparing for it as long as we have. It's like a natural law. So, no, I didn't go buy bread and milk. I did (grudgingly) bring in my patio chairs even though they are really, really filthy dirty and fill up my entire living room, just so I wouldn't get fussed at. The table's too big and heavy to bring in, though. Here's the current picture of Hanna:
I did not mean to prattle on about the hurricane for so long.
I would like to mention that I missed Monk and Psych again b/c of the game playing but I am sure now that the US Open is FINALLY FINALLY over, they will be replaying them so I will get to see my beloved usa shows again.
I'll let you know tomorrow what happens. (about the storm, not me getting to see Monk and Psych. Although it's my blog so I may write about that anyway)
P.S. - Let's hope for better football results this weekend!

I would like to mention that I missed Monk and Psych again b/c of the game playing but I am sure now that the US Open is FINALLY FINALLY over, they will be replaying them so I will get to see my beloved usa shows again.
I'll let you know tomorrow what happens. (about the storm, not me getting to see Monk and Psych. Although it's my blog so I may write about that anyway)
P.S. - Let's hope for better football results this weekend!
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