Saturday, September 6, 2008

Rainy, Lazy Saturday...

I just want you to know that I was totally right about Hanna. Completely lame. Some rain, but nothing exciting. I don't know about anywhere else, but here - nope.

Also, I have not even gotten out of my pajamas or put in my contacts today. What a sad, sad thing. In an awesome kind of way ;) But I need to be sure I get a lot done tomorrow b/c as nice as it is to have a lazy day, I'm starting to feel like a slug.

I saw one great college football game today - go Wake! - and Tech won handily, so hopefully the ACC will be redeeming itself just a bit. Carolina doesn't play this weekend. Isn't it sad when it's not basketball season? I think so.

Ok, off to watch more of the House marathon. It's been on all day and I might start to OD. I wonder if House could diagnose me?

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