Saturday, September 27, 2008

Losing Hair

My hair is starting to fall out. I was expecting it and terrified of it. But, come to find out - it's not such a big deal. Really. I always heard about it as a side effect of WLS, but people never really seemed too upset about it and I couldn't figure it out. Because it seemed like a big deal to me. But, it's not like I'm going bald or anything. It will just thin out a little bit. Right now, it's not coming out in huge clumps but that may change. Then again, it may not. With all of the changes that I have to put up with as a post-op, this one is actually pretty easy to live with.

Today my Heels beat Miami!!!! In football!!!! And, in what will go down as one of their all-time most embarassing moments ever, UVA lost to Duke. In football. 31-3. Yes, the same Duke that was ranked #1 on the "Most Embarassing Football Programs Of All Time" list. When they play Puke is the only time that I will root for UVA. But here's the upside - even if it does mean Puke winning, it gives me something that I can really, really make fun of UVA for. This is more embarrassing than UNC losing to Weber St. in the opening round of the NCAA tournament during the unfortunate Matt Doherty era. Or that whole 8-20 thing that we don't speak about. Duke has also beaten JMU this year (with 3 wins, they have beaten their win totals from the last 3 seasons combined) (I made that up, but I think it might be true) which means that they have beaten both schools that I have degrees from. Not that I'm a UVA fan. Still.

By the way, if you have a blog that I don't know about, please tell me. Recently some of my friends have finally updated theirs and I was quite pleased :) I'm seriously racking my brain for something interesting to write about here and I'm coming up empty. So it's back to watching Hokies football for me.

Have a great weekend!


Joy said...

Sarah, I am so undevoted to both VA teams that I just bought a t-shirt for UVA and Tech. LOL. My mom graduated from JMU/UVA (back before UVA allowed women), my dad did his masters at UVA (where they met)...but my dad also did his undergrad AND PhD at Tech...Did you know that in the "valley" they seem to be more Hokie-spirited? It's weird. My mom's family is split down the middle as well with cousins and uncles going to different schools. The family whose house I'm living in--they are hard-core Hokie fans. I'm just lucky I like orange. :)

I'm totally out of the loop game schedule wise that I'm going to go and download game schedule so I know when to wear my shirts. But what will I do when they play each other. Maybe I'll wear brown. It's the new neutral right? ha

have a good Sunday Sarah!

Anonymous said...

my blog