Saturday, July 5, 2008

Home from surgery

Well, I'm 3 days out from my RNY surgery and I finally made it home yesterday. Wed., the day of surgery, I was up and around and moving and feeling great. Thursday, I started out feeling great as well. As part of my recovery, I was supposed to walk laps around the unit (15 laps = 1 mile). Someone a day or two before had set a record of 71 laps and I was determined to beat it. So I spent a lot of time walking and not enough time sipping my water. The liquids weren't going down as well as we hoped, but I honestly didn't pay enough attention. So when they asked me if I felt ready to move to full liquids - a Carnation Instant Breakfast - I said sure. That was when things went downhill - I got so sick after drinking about 2 oz. I was nauseous and in pain - it was awful. I finally got some pills and went to sleep, waking up around 4 a.m. in tears and in pain again. With another round of drugs, I went back to sleep.

So when Dr. Elliot came by around 8 a.m. on Friday morning, I was sipping on water again but hadn't gotten very much in. He said I couldn't go home until I could prove I could stay hydrated, so he said he would check back in at 12 to see if I had gotten my 8 oz. in. He also pushed me back to clear liquids until I could handle them. Well, mid-morning I got sick again and asked for more nausea medication, so they pushed back my possible discharge time to 4 p.m. I was trying to sip a little 1 oz. cup of water in something like 15-30 minutes, then walk. (Just one lap at a time, not the 15 at a time that I tried the day before) Eventually, it got to be working and about 3:30 they said I could go home! We went by Kroger on the way home to pick up my myriad of prescriptions and other medicines (Mom went in while I slept in the car in the parking lot).

So, I'm home - I have pain and and nausea medication to take as needed (today I've taken half a dose of pain and no nausea so far), antacids that I have to take twice a day to cut down on stomach acid, an incentive spirometer that I have to breathe in every two hours, Gas-X strips to help move all that gas they pumped me full of while performing surgery, and gallbladder pills (rapid weight loss often causes gall stones), vitamins and calcium supplements that I start taking after a week or two. I also have to walk at least 4 times a day for at least 10 minutes and take my temperature twice a day. My incisions are looking good - one is a little red, so if that continues I'll call my doctor. I'm not in a lot of pain today - Mom and I have taken a 15-minute walk once today, and gone shopping for a little while which I'm counting as my second walk. I'm staying on clear liquids only today, but they're going down pretty well, so I'm hoping to move to full liquids tomorrow.

So that's the long-winded update on me and how I'm doing post-op. I'm ready to be OVER the recovery process and get on with it already - but I know I need to take this slowly and do it right so that I don't end up back in the hospital. I think I'll take a nap now - after I breathe in my little machine......

P.S. - I did set the new lap record, by the way - 82 laps! :)


Anonymous said...

You sounded like you had an easier recovery than I. I had alot of difficulty but then again, I lost some blood (more than most) so that could account for being very tired.

Welcome to the loser's bench!!


Anonymous said...

Why am I not surprised that you were trying to beat the record at the hospital. I'm glad to see that you are loosing weight but you will still be the competitive Sarah that we all know and love!

Laura: One Day At A Time said...

YAYYYYY! i'm so glad your mommy is with you. ;) you sound awesome. i can't wait to talk to you. LOVE YOU!!