Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Press On

I'm tired tonight.

I've been trying to find the balance between resuming a normal life - which is good for me! - and respecting the fact that I had major surgery less than a week ago. So, I think I did too much. And I ate lunch late which made dinner late ("lunch" and "dinner" being code names for "protein shakes") Being tired makes me easily frustrated - such as with the fact that it feels like a long time before I'm going to be able to eat again.

Game Club was tonight, which was fun of course, but it was late when I came home. On the way home, I heard a song on the radio. The chorus went something like this:

"In Jesus name, we press on
Dear God,
With our eyes on the prize
We find the strength
To press on"

And that's how I feel right now - like I'm just pressing on. But it was a reminder to me that I prayed long and hard before committing to this surgery and decided that it was the right thing for me. I feel confident that, for whatever reason, this is where God's plan for me leads. So that knowledge made it easier to press on. Not easy. Just easier.

I put on some of my favorite Christian music as well, which always makes me feel better. Music is always my favorite part of church, and I am so thankful for Christian artists. Tonight I went to two of my favorites - East to West by Casting Crowns and My Jesus by Todd Agnew. So tomorrow is a new day and I will try to keep the balance better.

Another thought - this morning I woke up to thunderstorms. My first thought was "Thunderstorms in the morning are unusual" Are they? Why? Hmmmm......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry about that late lunch, I to was running late yesterday and did not eat dinner till 9pm. I had a great time though!!