**Warning** - Afraid this post is all about me venting about some things that have made me mad....fair warning that you may want to skip it :)

I have to say, I have not been a huge fan of Henrico County since I came to work here. I took a pay cut, they give me $0 for my classroom and spend all of their money on laptops and multiple technology positions. If only I ran the world.... Anyway. Today I got my new contract, since I finally got my M.Ed. added. I am making the absolute minimum possible! I know I should have paid more attention before this. Still. This is my EIGHTH year teaching, and my second in Henrico. No one has ever been willing to actually show me a pay scale. On the website, it says that salary range goes from this to this, but does not show a scale. When I got the job last year, I asked the HR woman that I talked to where I would fall on the pay scale, if my experience would transfer, and she blew me off saying "Oh, don't worry about it. A lot of things go into that. Here's what you'll make." I should have insisted, but I didn't. I confess - handling money is a huge weakness of mine. I've often said that I don't necessarily need a man who makes a lot of money, but I do need one who is willing to handle the money. So now here I am, working for them again, and still getting the bare minimum?!?! In Albemarle County, there is a published pay scale - a copy of which is included with our contract - that clearly relates your years of experience to your salary. My contract says that I'm on "pay grade 28, step 3", but I can't find anything - with my contract or on the website - to tell me what that means. I'll be calling the HR lady on Monday.
You want to know who else I'm still mad at? Bank of America. This story goes way back to when my parents were writing me a check for the surgery. I knew there were some holds on the money, so I went to BoA, showed the check to the teller and said "I'm about to go across the street and deposit this. Will it clear?" And she said yes. It didn't, and I racked up $115 in bounced check fees. I went back to sort it out, and was given the run around. Didn't even let me sit down and explain myself. Just stood in the middle of the bank explaining bank procedure to me over and over and over again. So I wrote them a letter, and got a call last week from a woman who promised to look into it and call me the beginning of this week. Guess what? NO CALL. Of course, with all of the surgery stuff I had forgotten it until now. When I'm in a ranting, raving, tirading mood. So I guess I have to call them on Monday, too.
I HATE having to be firm and mean with people. (Adults, I mean. Kids - no problem) I'm saving all of my credit card offers that come in the mail to look for a new credit card. I don't bank with BoA, but my credit card is through them and you can sure bet that I won't be staying with them!
Whew. That's a lot of steam blown off. But I'm still mad. And weepy. Being mad always makes me cry, which just makes me madder. I'll try to be rational and calm later. Right now, I'm going to stay mad about things which I can do absolutely nothing. Sounds smart, right?
1 comment:
hey there, just a tip on credit cards. The offers you get in the mail are not the best out there, even though at first glance they seem inviting. Call credit unions and bank directly and find out what promotions they are running, what the APR is, minimum payments, points programs, etc. Then you can make a better decision. :) We have our cards with VA Credit Union and have low APR's and utilized the super low transfer promotion (at the time). Good luck!
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