Sunday, July 13, 2008


Today I went shopping! And not the dreaded clothes shopping - the fun kind. I got things for me to cook/eat with now that I'm a post-op. I hope that I will really use all of these things - I plan on it! - not only because I spent the money on them, but because it will mean I'm doing the things I'm supposed to. After talking to a lot of people, here are some of my purchases:

Well, actually this was the other day. I went to Target and got a crock pot (which I did not take a picture of b/c it's just a normal crock pot. They had one that had a small dish in it, but it was $45 and the normal one was $17. I went for the normal one. No brainer) and this little food processor, which holds about a cup and a half (more than I will probably ever be able to eat at one sitting):
(by the way, I put everything on one of my average-size dinner plates, just so you can compare)
I also bought this little food scale for me to weigh things like meats on to be sure I'm getting the right amount. The cool thing about this is that the top bucket comes off and the bottom part fits right in it for storage. There's even a lid, which I'm sure I will lose in approximately 3.67 days.

Continuing on in the area of "food prep", I bought little pots and pans! They're soooo cute - and they're blue! (They had other colors, but blue obviously rocked the most)

Moving on to the area of "food consumption", I bought a set of these little prep bowls that will be perfect for me - they hold about 2 oz., or half the size of one of my meals. Just right for me to put my veggies in!

And these are the plates I bought - they're just regular salad plates, so I didn't bother putting them on the big plate for comparison. You know how big salad plates are :) But they're pretty so I'm putting them up!

So all of that was great fun. I also have toddler silverware, that I did not take a picture of. Sorry. I think blogs with pictures are more interesting, so my goal is to put more pictures up on here. Even if they are just of household appliances. So my next job is to re-organize my kitchen (which is tiny) so that I can get to all of these little things, and the big things are put away for when I cook for company. Luckily, my mom worked on organizing my kitchen when she was here so I've got a head start. Go, Mom!

I went to church today and heard a great, great sermon from the book of James. James is a straight to the point kind of guy. It was about perseverance and how temptation does not come from God, but from our own sinful desires. I have a Bible with a lot of commentary, which I love, that I always find myself reading during the sermons. (Is that a good thing? Hmmmm) It says that James is not writing about how to become a Christian, as Paul often does, but how to live like one. He addresses works; not contradicting the doctrine of salvation by faith alone, but saying that faith leads to works. It made me think this is a book I need to read some more. The intro ended with this quote from Martin Luther:
"You are saved by faith alone, but if faith is alone, it is not faith."
Something to think about...

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