Monday, July 21, 2008

Trip to Lynchburg

I just got back to Richmond after 5 days in Lynchburg visiting my parents. Kay and Abby were there as well, which made the trip way fun. :) And, of course, all 3 of my grandparents and my aunt. And my cousin, but I didn't see him this trip. Just let me say for the record - obviously, I love hanging with that baby. But my sister rocks, too. I love hanging out with her - even when Abby's not there. Don't repeat that :)

Abby, by the way, is awesome. She talks ALL the time - mostly about how much she loves me! - and is always into something. She loves to watch Cars over and over and over again, and to read books. If she's not watching Cars, she mostly wants to be outside. I blew bubbles for her, and she would run through them and then stomp on them until there were none left. We went up on my dad's mountain, Thorn Acres, and had a picnic. We even took some goldfish up (we named them "Coy") and released them into a little pond that Dad and William made. Naturally I took the 4-wheeler out and it died at the bottom of the mountain so I had to hike back up...


I'm still frustrated with having to eat "mushy" foods. It's the same old thing - I'm not hungry, I just am tired of having to do special things. I just love the social aspect of eating together, and it's a pain not to be able to do that. I'm definitely experiencing "head hunger" where I want to eat things that I can't, even if it's not because I'm particularly hungry.

My dad bought me a new iPod over the weekend (I know, I'm completely spoiled - my old one got stolen out of my car in Lynchburg months ago), so I'm spending the afternoon reloading all of my music onto my iTunes, then onto the new iPod. I'm way excited, because I REALLY have missed mine!

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