I did finally get back to exercising this weekend (I hadn't since before I left for Charleston - I know, I'm bad) and it felt good. Tonight I also did something that "they" always recommend doing - I made two dishes (taco meat and a made-up meatball bake that who knows how it will taste) and divided them up into individual containers so that I have food ready to go for this week. I also did laundry and even ironed. I think this is the first time I've ironed since I moved to Richmond. Maybe since I left home :) So I'm ready to face this pre-school week!
I still have no idea what my schedule will look like this week, but I'm excited to get to know the faculty at my new school. So far they seem really nice, and I'm very hopeful that it will turn out to be a great experience for me. I feel like God put me there - I sort of stumbled and fell into this job! - so he must want me there. And since his plans are to prosper us and not to harm us....well, if I can just go along with his plan for once in my life it will be great!
My favorite part of church, hands down, is the singing. Especially the praise and worship songs. So today after church I went for a walk and took my iPod to listen to more praise and worship music. As I was walking and reflecting on this whole WLS journey and my new job, I heard this lyric:
In every victory
Let it be said of me,
My source of strength,
My source of hope
Is Christ alone.
Let it be said of me,
My source of strength,
My source of hope
Is Christ alone.
And I thought - that's what I want to be able to say. Any time I'm successful. To give credit where it belongs - to Christ. That song (called In Christ Alone), by the way, is sung by Brian Littrell. He was one of the Backstreet Boys who released some Christian albums after the BB split up. Although didn't they get back together? Anyway, he was my favorite BB and I love that song.
So that's all - not really a lot to say, just some rambling thoughts from my brain. I'm going to try and get some sleep now. I love sleep. Don't you?

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