I didn't do as much today as I should, but I did get some things done. I got the mess with my rent sorted out. The management at my complex were actually really great about it. I told them that I had turned in the form and they said "ok" and took the late fee off. Now, they should have obviously because I had done what I was supposed to and they messed up. Still, I've always been happy with everyone who works here. I have this theory about mistakes like that - when I'm the customer. I figure I mess up all the time, so I can't exactly hold it against them. As long as they own up to the mistake and fix it, I don't see any need for me to get angry about it. And I try to do the same when I make a mistake - own up to it and fix it. That's what upset me so much about the Bank of America fiasco. But we're not going back there. Anyway, it did occur to me that I turned in a voided check with my form that is now floating around out there with my account information on it...but I've been watching my account closely and haven't found anything that shouldn't be there.
A long, long time ago (like 2 years) I for some reason bought some classics at Barnes and Noble and have kept them on my shelf ever since, occasionally pulling them down to read. Today I got out Pride and Prejudice to read for the first time ever. I was really enjoying it when I realized that the movie, starring Keira Knightley, was on tv. I turned it on and the movie was at the exact point that I had stopped in the book. Awesome. I loved, loved, loved it! In fact, now I'm watching it for the second time since it came on again.
From here on out, I shall compare every man I meet to Mr. Darcy and speak with this affected 19th century English accent.

I LOVE Pride and Prejudice. But the A&E miniseries with Colin Firth is even better than the movie with Keira Knightly. We should watch it sometime when we can carve out 6 hours to sit around and watch TV. Love ya and see ya soon!
That sounds like a great idea - but seeing as we couldn't even get it together to watch HSM 2, I'm seriously doubting our ability to carve out 6 hours :)
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