(I have an incredible, childish urge to put "that's what she said" here. But I won't)
First off, let me note that at the moment I'm listening to "She's Movin' in with Rico" by the Monkees. Circa 1980-something. It's awesome, and if you haven't heard it, definitely check it out. Rico is everybody's hero-o-o-o.
I had an awesome time in Charleston! Most of the time it was just me with Kay, Bruce, and Abby but over the weekend Mom and Dad and my aunt Mary Kay came down as well. Mary Kay and Bruce went to the Bruce Springsteen concert Sat. night. Really sorry I missed that. Not. We had a busy week - we hit the children's museum, the aquarium, the park, and the beach several times. I love that child. I can't tell you how much. She's just so funny and sweet and cute. I realize I'm a bit obsessed :) But she does funny things like pick up a crayon - any color will do except green - run over to her parents, hold it in the air and proudly proclaim (loudly) "GREEN!" When her mom tells her that no, that's blue, she repeats "Blue", then runs back to me, holds it up, and proudly proclaims "GREEN!" She's awesome. She does not do things quietly. And the next time I see her she will have a little brother! My sister, the saint, is going to have her hands full...I wish I could be there to help her.
When I left them today at the airport with Abby screaming "Sarah!" (I choose to feel special because of this, but the truth is she cries when anyone leaves), I cried too. I cry every time I leave my family, even when Abby is not involved. Do you think this means I love my family or that I'm not so thrilled about my life that I'm going back to? I'm not going to think too hard about that one.
On the plane on the way back I sat across the aisle from Phil Stacey! In case you don't know who he is, he was on American Idol a few seasons ago and now he has a song out on country radio. I thought it looked like him, but it never occurred to me that it really was him back in coach with the likes of me. But I was sitting next to the flight attendant, and she told me it was. I didn't talk to him, but he seemed very nice. Here's a pic so you know who he is:

I continue to be frustrated with my weight loss. I'm losing about 2 pounds a week, which is actually pretty good weight loss if I was doing Weight Watchers. However, one of the reasons that I chose this particular surgery is that I'm impatient. And it's a lot harder than WW. So it should be coming off faster. I'm trying not to get too frustrated and be patient, but it's hard. I'm eating real food now, which I love, but it comes with some challenges of its own. While in Charleston, I ate things that I'm allowed to eat, but I didn't make the best choices I could possibly make. Does that make sense? I didn't cheat, per se, but I could have done better. Another hard thing was eating slowly when I was with my family. I got food stuck after a lot of meals, which isn't fun. I actually threw up on the street in Charleston, which was totally embarassing. It just came out of nowhere.
That was yesterday, and food hasn't been sitting very well since. It's weird - I get hungry and then as soon as I get to the point where I'm going to eat, I don't want to eat it at all. Tonight I went over to a friend's house and I ate some chicken - just a little bit of chicken breast on the grill. I've been eating chicken for a long time now! But boy did I pay for it tonight. I was back and forth to the bathroom. I threw up 4 times, which is unheard of for me. I couldn't imagine that there was anything left in there to throw up! I had my papaya pills, and they helped some but it finally just took time. I have no idea why it happened - the only thing I can figure is that the chicken was too dry. (Not an insult to the cook, by the way!) They were cooking with barbeque sauce, and made mine without it b/c of the sugar in bbq. He seasoned it - it tasted good! - but maybe I need to make sure there's something giving it more moisture. Who knows.
Here's a little warning, which is going to contain TMI, so feel free to skip:
After surgery, pay attention to your poop. If you haven't gone for a few days, you're going to want to take some fiber or something. Don't just not pay attention and ignore it. Because eventually, it's going to want to come out. And it's going to hurt.
The other big to-do right now is that I have to go back to school tomorrow! Yes, in 7 hours I have to be waking up to do the going-to-work-during-the-day thing. Usually, I'm ready to go back but this summer I'm not. Part of it is enjoying the summer :) and part of it is not being confident enough with what and when I eat to be gone all day long. But most of it is that I'm completely terrified of my new job. Completely. Terrified. I've been so excited about it - and I am glad that I'm not teaching kindergarten anymore - but all of a sudden it's here and I don't have the first clue about what to do. I don't know anything, and I haven't heard from anyone about what I'm supposed to be doing. I know I need to get my room set up but there are loads and loads of paperwork that I need to learn to do and I need to get organized in a totally different way. Plus I'm not sure exactly what and how to teach. Or how to work with 3rd and 5th graders. I just keep feeling like I should be hearing about meetings or something to teach me how to do this and I haven't. I don't even know what time I'm supposed to be at school tomorrow! *whew* Imagine that all said in one big breath. Because it was typed that way. I've been incredibly cocky about how much I know about teaching reading and all of a sudden I'm realizing that I don't know what I'm talking about after all. Or else I've forgotten it. I was talking to my sister about it the other day and how worried I was that what I did would be boring and the kids wouldn't like me. She said, "Sarah, since when do you care if the kids you teach like you?" And she's right. I never have. Not at all. But now it seems really important. It might be b/c before with the little ones I knew they would like me no matter what since that's how kindergarteners are. Or because I'll only have this kids for short periods of time and I want them to be excited about coming to me. Or because I think they'll learn better and be more excited about reading if I make it fun.
Ok, slooooowwwww down Sarah. Here I go again. I can't even put most of my fears about tomorrow into words, but it may be why my stomach is so upset. I just want to go to bed and stay there. But I can't. So I'll go spend some time praying tonight and a lot more in the morning.
Ok, it's time to end this marathon post. I have to at least attempt to get some sleep tonight. I'll let you know how that goes.....

Thanks for blogging again. Me and the other person really appreciate it! :) I'm sorry to hear you've been puking! I hope that stops asap. Also, wow! What luck you have with famous people on planes. That's pretty awesome that you got to fly with Phil.
Don't worry so much about school. I know new jobs are stressful and you going to be great. You have to learn a new job, not come in knowing it all. Remember what teaching K for the first time was like?! ;) Plus, believe it or not, 3rd and 5th graders aren't yet callus, self absorbed teens. They're going to love you. Best of luck on your first day back. xo
I got your blog through a Google alert for Phil Stacey. I am one of many Philnatics, which is what his fans (or "phans," as some write, lol)are called. How cool that you sat across the aisle from him! He was a finalist on season 6 of AI. I haven't met him yet, but those who know him say that he is the nicest guy, and funny, too. You should have talked to him!:-) If you want to know more about his music, go to his music myspace: www.myspace.com/philstaceymusic . You will find several of his songs on there, including his patriotic one, "Old Glory." He got many a standing ovation for that one. And he also has a song on the "Country Sings Disney" cd. It is "Can You feel the Love Tonight" from "The Lion King." The songs off his cd are also on youtube. Check the account of PhilnaticsDotCom , where you will find them.
As far as what you wrote about weight loss, I don't have a whole lot of knowledge on the subject, but I have to really start watching it. After having had 3 kids, I seem to look slim for a while, then all of a sudden I gain weight. So I need to be better about my eating habits, too, and exercise. I pray that you have success and achieve what you have set out to accomplish,:-) Thanks for sharing about Phil.
I just noticed that the post did not include all of Phil's myspace address. Here it is again:
www.myspace.com/philstaceymusic .
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