Monday, August 25, 2008

Wherefore art thou sleep?

So last night I woke up about 3 a.m. and never got back to sleep. yuck. For about 2 hours I tried to get back to sleep and finally I gave up, got my stuff together, and went to the gym. I swam for about an hour, and as I was getting dressed I realized that I had forgotten my little bag with my makeup, jewelry, hairbrush, deodorant, etc. So I had to rush home to get it. But this week they're not really strict about when we get to school, so it wasn't a huge deal.

The first day back with all of the teachers was good. People were very nice, and I'm slowly getting to know the faculty. Very slowly, since I spend most of my time working in my room. But the room is coming along. A lot of the info today was overwhelming - I am on five committees! But that's average for our school. There's just a lot of committees. I'm going to have more meetings than you can imagine...

I was changing the sheets on my bed tonight and I was thinking about how many times in our lives we have to do little mundane tasks like that. And how many more I have to go...

I did get a long nap this afternoon - I tried to resist but I just couldn't help it. So we'll see if sleep goes better tonight!

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