Monday, August 4, 2008

Hello from Lynchburg!

Welcome to August! Which means it's time to think about heading back to school....*ugh* I'm super excited about my new job (Title 1 reading teacher), but a little terrified at the same time. I just have absolutely no idea what to expect...but, as one of my sister's Flair says, "If God brings you to it, He will lead you through it"! (I love Flair, btw. Completely addicted. And to Facebook in general)

So I'm in Lynchburg b/c my brother and his girlfriend were visiting from Florida, so I came down to see them. They left early Sunday morning, but I'm staying an extra day or two just because I can. Last night (Sunday night), Mom and Dad's Africa team presented their trip at the evening worship service and they did an awesome job. There were lots of pictures and stories - and Dad wore an African shirt. Man, I wish I had a picture of that! Why didn't I think of that last night?!?! Saturday, we all headed back up to Thorn Acres. Here are some photos:

Three generations of Nash men, building a shelter. Scary.

My dad is clearly well versed in gun safety.

William and Meghan.

So I've had a few intervals of feeling better this weekend, but for the most part the nausea/pain continues to stay with me. Sometimes it's bad, others not so much. Yesterday while my dad and I were at the mall, it hit me badly and suddenly so I made him leave. It had been about 4 hourse since lunch, so I can't imagine that it was something I ate.... I've been off the Actigall for almost a week now. I'll call my dr. either today or tomorrow and report back in on how that hasn't helped and see what they say. I'm also allowed to start eating real food today! Hooray!!!!!!!!

Emotionally, I'm a bit of a mess as well. Yesterday I went to church with my parents and they were having communion. At their church, the bread is actually homeade white bread cut up into small cubes (less than 1"). They use grape juice. Neither of these are things I'm supposed to have - however, I figured the grape juice in such a small quantity wouldn't have enough sugar to hurt me and that would be ok. The bread, however, I wasn't so sure about. Bread - especially soft, white bread - can get gummed up and stuck in the opening leading out of my pouch. So I figured I was going to have to pass on that, at least for now. My mom assured me that God would understand :) And I knew he would, but it sent me over the edge anyway. I had a moment of "As if I didn't feel different enough being fat and single at 30, and not being able to get the weight off without surgery, then I can't eat what everyone else can and now I can't I even do communion!" I left church, went to the bathroom and cried and cried and cried. Eventually my mom came to check on me, which made me cry some more. So I left and went home.

If you're not, or never have been fat, there's a lot of things about it that you've probably never thought of or wouldn't understand. One of the things that struck me this weekend is how I hate going places in Lynchburg, like their church - where I grew up- with my parents. Because they always introduce me to people and I feel like they must be embarassed to say "This is my daughter." I'm fat, single, and haven't done anything really exciting - I'm not a doctor or a missionary. I'm not really very interesting at all. (So why are you reading this? ;) ) Of course, my parents absolutely deny feeling this way - and they may not. But it's still how I feel every time I get introduced. It's the same way I feel running into people I knew from growing up. "Well, here I am. I haven't really done such a good job of growing up, huh?"

I know, it seems like I'm just having a pity party for myself and doing some whining here - and let's be honest, I am. But I'm just trying to "let people in" to the mind of an overweight person. It's amazing how it affects anything and everything that you do. I'll share some more fat secrets with you another day :) - like how I come up with excuses to avoid trips to amusement parks because I won't fit on any of the fun rides.
As usual, I've gone on too long here. Happy first full week of August everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is the rough stuff of WLS. Trust me, in a month or two from now you will be over the moon with trying on new clothes, getting your energy back and establishing patterns of eating. Until then, it's going to be hit and miss. Your feelings are normal and very valid but I can say with no hestitation that it will and does get better =)
