Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pre-Op Testing DONE!

So I went today and had my physical with Dr. Elliot, then I went to the hospital to do my pre-admission testing. I got asked the same questions over and over and over again, did a lot of waiting for a lot of different people, signed a lot of forms, and watched a computer slide show about my procedure. All they did for my pre-op testing at the hospital was take some blood (actually, they took a lot of blood for a lot of different things) and did an EKG. If something comes up abnormal, Dr. E's office will call me but I don't anticipate that happening.

Dr. E gave me my manual, which I'm ready to dive into and read thoroughly. But here's the most exciting thing - he said that since I had lost so much weight already

I don't know if you can tell or not, but I'm pretty psyched about this :) He said if I could lose some more weight, that would of course be great, but all that he was going to require was that I not gain any weight in the next two weeks. Needless to say, I am one happy camper right now.
In a little bit, I'm headed off to catch the train to Charleston...I'll be reporting in from down there, keeping up with the prayer schedule for Africa.

OH! I can't believe I almost forgot this - my mom called me today!!!!! I missed her call :( but she left me a long message. She said that they made it to Gulu and the need down there was amazing. She said they were all really tired. It made me miss her again, but I was glad to hear from her. I'm sure she'll call again while I'm in Charleston.

1 comment:

Laura: One Day At A Time said...

WOW, that's so cool I have no good words with which to congratulate you! It sounds freaky anyway, a LIVER-SHRINKING DIET?? hm. Have a great time with your sissy. ;) Love you!