Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Running around in circles!

Oh my goodness. I haven't posted in a while. My life feels like total chaos right now. It's the last week of school and I may lose it before it's all over. I'm not going to even begin to describe what I've been doing, but let me say this: I literally work on one thing or the other from morning until late at night and somehow end the day farther behind than when I started. It's only by the grace of a very loving God that I am not curled up in a ball in some corner babbling at this moment :)

So it's the last week of school, which explains much of the craziness. I got an assignment for next year! I'll be working at Fair Oaks Elementary, doing reading work with 3rd-5th graders. Scary. Apparently there's a girl who's been there a really long time who everyone says really, really good things about who works with the younger kids. She is supposed to be retiring next year. So I figure I'll give it a try. I may really like working with the older kids (the way my kindergarteners have been acting this week, it seems like a definite possibility) And if I don't, then I can ask my principal to switch me next year when this girl retires. I met with the principal and toured the school already and she and the school seemed very nice. And they have a bookroom! It will be about a 20-30 minute commute, though.

Tomorrow my mom, my sister and my favorite baby in all the land are coming to visit! I'm soooooo excited :)

Ok that's all the thinks I can think for tonight. Hopefully once I get through this week - which also means getting through this school year! - I'll be saner. Well, closer to my normal level of saneness. Or sanity. However you like to say it. Time shall tell...

P.S. - I do still think about doing those 4 things every day and I'm trying hard. Many days I'm getting them all in! There. Let out that breath you've been holding now.

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