Sunday, June 29, 2008

Cookout time!

Yes, I realize this is my third post of the morning. But I have a lot of thoughts bouncing around in my head, and it feels more organized to me to post each topic in a separate post.

Yesterday I attended a BBQ/Meet and Greet/Health Seminar hosted by Jackie and Sue, who I met through the OH board. They run a support group in Fredericksburg called Obesity Freedom. We had a presentation of Isotonix vitamins, ate (WLS-friendly food of course!), had a hula demonstration/lessons (thanks, Ann!), did some jewelry shopping, but most of all - talked. And talked. And talked. :) I was a little nervous about going - it would be a big crowd, and people that I knew "virtually". I had met a few of them in person, and they were great, but still. You never quite know, do you? What people will really be like? And it's easy to feel very anonymous on-line.

I had a great, great time. I loved meeting people that I knew on-line and people that I didn't. Everyone was so great. This is going to sound weird, I know. But I was amazed at how many of them knew who I was and knew that my surgery was coming up this week! (by the way, tomorrow I'm planning on posting about thoughts as I get ready for surgery - it's too much for today!) It made me feel accepted and like I was a part of the group. Which may not seem so important or exciting to any of you skinny and/or popular people out there - but trust me, it was.

Very few people were just as I had imagined them - I guess I need to work on my people skills! :) It's hard to tell online if someone is loud or quiet, or what kinds of things will come out of their mouths when they're not replying to a specific post. But I will say this - they all exceeded my expectations. There wasn't a lot of gossiping about others or negative talk (that I heard, anyway), just people catching up and sharing stories about life. I bounced from group to group all day - I think most people did - so I feel like I got to talk with a lot of different people.

Anyway, I'm happy to be a part of this group. My friends and family have been wonderful supports as I prepare for surgery, but it's also nice to be able to talk to people who have been there.

Ok, enough for today!!!!! I'm off to get dressed and head up to Dulles.

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